Archival Poetics is Narungga's poet Natalie Harkin's powerful, complex, and moving collection. Archival Poetics published in three separate volumes (Column Archive, Hauntings, and Blood Memory) explores traumatic history, stolen generations, and domestic forced labor. A new book is available in the German language.
In a strict sense, the colonial archive refers to one of the European (and subsequently the USA) archives developed by European countries to maintain their colonial records. Haiku, free verse, acrostic and sonnets are popular poetry. Each type is one; it is another to enjoy a taste. Take some of the most important kinds of poetry and taste a few.The Poetry Archive is an excellent resource for teaching poetry to students of all ages and stages both within and outside the classroom. To share with your pupils, you can create and save your own playlists.
Browse our poetry database by subject, alphabetically, or by keyword. You can write a new poem,
discuss and review other people's work, listen to poetry with voice pronunciation, and even translate poems into a variety of languages.